As I Roved Out: Traditional Song Conference

As I Roved Out:

Traditional Songs, Singers and Collections of Britain, Ireland and Beyond

3rd – 5th June 2022.

Venue – Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (University of Limerick)

Jointly organised by The Traditional Song Forum & The Traditional Song as Cultural Heritage Research Cluster

The event will start on the evening of 3 June with a reception, followed by dinner, and a singing session. A full day of papers on Saturday 4 June will be followed by a concert after dinner. On Sunday 5 June there will be another day of papers with a singing session in the evening. For those staying on for the Monday, there will be a singing tour of Limerick in the morning, with the possibility of a lunchtime session. There will also be a pop-up archive exhibit from the Irish Traditional Music Archive.

The main conference sessions will be streamed live and also recorded. Online participation is available at a reduced cost. The recordings will be available after the event for all who have bought tickets, but will not cover the concert or the sessions.

Full Conference Programme Here

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The Traditional Song Forum is a national organisation based in the UK that brings together those interested in the research, collecting and performance of traditional song.

The Traditional Song as Cultural Heritage Research Cluster is a group of song scholars/ performers at the Irish World Academy, focused on performance, preservation and transmission of traditional song in Ireland.