Tower Seminar – Irish Language Song Ecologies
October 2 at 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Presenters: Dr Sorcha de Brún and Dr Iarla Ó Lionáird Chair: Dr Aileen Dillane
Dr De Brún will present “A pine deal board for our bed”: Ecology, Masculinities and Amhráin Ghrá na Gaeilge”, exploring tensions between the language of seduction and coercive intent in the Irish language love song genre, drawing upon a number of ‘big’ love songs in Irish that represent a unique aspect of masculinities (fireannachtaí), where ecology functions to distract the object of desire from danger.
Dr O Lionaird will present “Homegoing: Song-writing Ecologies in Making Peace with Place”, where tribal belonging and identity in the poetry of Seán Ó Riordáin is given new voice within the framework and aesthetics of contemporary sean nós practice.
Dr Sorcha de Brùn is an Associate Professor of Irish in the School of English, Irish, and Communications in UL who specialises in masculinities in Irish Language literatures.
Dr Iarla Ó Lionaird is a composer, singer, and scholar who completed his Arts Practice PhD in UL and is currently working on a book about the poetics of place, performance, and coming ‘home’.