MA Community Music

The Masters of Arts in Community Music is a one year, full-time postgraduate programme. It offers a comprehensive grounding in the skills and knowledge needed to function as a successful community musician in a range of contexts. The MA Community Music is aimed at musicians who already have an excellent level of self-expressive skill and who wish to develop their abilities to facilitate the expressive work of others. Throughout the course, students will meet a range of practicing community music facilitators and researchers, who work in a variety of settings from orchestras to community centres, schools to hospitals.

The programme brings together research and practice, with a combination of contextual and practical modules covering areas such as facilitation skills, ensemble music-making, project management, financial planning and fundraising, research skills and academic writing. Students are encouraged to explore community music practice in a national and international context and to engage in and contribute to emerging research.

Programme of Study

The MA Community Music comprises six modules of lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops and a final presentation worth twelve credits. The final presentation will take the form of an extended written submission, a workshop, a community music project proposal and a viva voce.  Students will take two modules and one compulsory Independent Study each semester. Each Independent Study is a self directed module with guided expertise drawn from the staff of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance.

For the academic year 2021/22, the MA Community Music will be delivered online.

Semester 1

Community Music Skills 1

Community Music in Context

MD6051 Independent Study 1

MD6111 Colloquium 1

Semester 2

Community Music Skills 2

Community Music Project

MD6062 Critical Contexts for Arts Management and Cultural Policy

MD6051 Independent Study 1

Semester 3

MD5522 Final Presentation


Entrance Requirements:

A primary degree with first or second class honours


an approved equivalent qualification


an equivalent capability based on prior professional experience

A performance audition and interview will be required in all cases.

Audio-visual audition material may be submitted by oversees candidates at the course director’s discretion.



Postgraduate Admissions Office
Graduate School
Foundation Building
University of Limerick

Tel: +353 61 234377
Fax: +353 61 233287


Click here for UL Academic Calendar


Click here for UL International  Office 


Click here for Postgraduate Fees


Click here for a list of scholarships available to prospective Irish World Academy of Music and Dance students.



Andrew Jordan, Graduate MA Community Music

“My name is Andrew Jordan and I graduated from the Irish World Academy with an M.A. in Community Music in 2012.  Having previously completed a degree in Social Care I gained amazing experiences working in a variety of settings from child care, mental health, the homeless services, to working for many years with people with disabilities.  Aside from my work in social care I have always played music.  For me music is much more than a hobby it is part of who I am and has played a very important role in my life.  I was fortunate to have had some amazing personal experiences of music making having played the trumpet in bands for most of my life.  Throughout my experiences of music and social care I recognized the connection between working with some of the most vulnerable people in our society and the positive experiences and skills music can provide.  For this reason, I wanted to combine my work in social care with music.

Having researched and explored many different programmes I felt that the M.A. in Community Music provided a natural link between my background as a social care worker and my experience of music.  I feel the course provided me with the practical skills and applications needed to take my knowledge of music and social care together to work with people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.  The course provided the opportunity to reflect and explore the skills I already had and to develop the ones I felt I needed.

Since completing the course I have been able to develop and expand the work I do as co-director of the Redemptorist Centre of Music, Limerick City.  The Redemptorist Centre of Music is a centre that provides people of all backgrounds access to music through a variety of different approaches and contexts.  To date we work with almost 500 people on a weekly basis from our programmes for toddlers to our groups for older adults. Along with my practical work in community music I am also in the process of completing a PhD examining the work of Music Generation in Limerick City and exploring the ways in which music can be used as a tool for social change.  Community Music has really provided a structure for how I view music, I feel it is a constantly developing area and one I am very proud to be part of. I would highly recommend the M.A. in Community Music programme!”



Enquiries in relation to the course can be made to:

Dr. Kathleen Turner

Course Director, MA Community Music,

Room No: IW1.30,

Irish World Academy of Music and Dance,

University of Limerick,

Limerick, Ireland.

Tel: +353-61-233762


For further details, information and brochures about the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance:

Irish World Academy of Music and Dance,
University of Limerick,
Phone: + 353 61 202590

For queries to the University of Limerick Postgraduate Admissions Office:

Postgraduate Admissions Office
Graduate School
Foundation Building
University of Limerick

Tel: +353 61 234377
Fax: +353 61 233287