The MA Community Music comprises six modules of lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops and a final presentation worth twelve credits. The final presentation will take the form of an extended written submission, a workshop, a community music project proposal and a viva voce. Students will take two modules and one compulsory Independent Study each semester. Each Independent Study is a self directed module with guided expertise drawn from the staff of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance.
For the academic year 2021/22, the MA Community Music will be delivered online.
Semester 1
Community Music Skills 1
In this module, you will begin to develop the observation, evaluation, communication and teaching techniques and skills necessary for work in community music. While your musical competencies are assumed, this module provides further musical work in en-semble skills, basic conducting, ensemble percussion work, composition, arranging, im-provisation and songwriting.
Community Music in Context
This module will introduce you to the history, foundations and principles of community music through current historical case studies. There will be emphasis on case studies in the Irish situation, as well as examples from the UK and the International community. You may be required to participate in site visits as well as lectures and tutorials.
MD6051 Independent Study 1
This module provides a space to engage in the study of a topic/subject of their own choice. Students organise their tuition and the assessment mechanism in consultation with their course director. A broad range of existing modules from the various postgraduate offers at the Academy is also available for students to chose from.
MD6111 Colloquium 1
This module exposes students to scholarship and performance practices from a wide variety of music and dance and related disciplines, enabling students to broaden their perspectives on their own specialisation as well as experience presentations from scholars and performers in cognate disciplines. Students are expected to attend a minimum of five seminars from the various series offered in the Academy.
Semester 2
Community Music Skills 2
In this module, you will consolidate the observation, evaluation, communication and teaching techniques and skills you developed in Community Music Skills 1. The course provides further musical work in a range of genres but with greater emphasis on working in the community rather than with your peers.
Community Music Project
In this module, you will develop techniques and skills to implement and oversee successful community music programs, including the following: community-led programme design, planning and evaluating workshops, structuring residencies and group work, financial planning, entrepreneurial thinking, fundraising, using resources and networks, evaluating and writing up project summaries.
MD6062 Critical Contexts for Arts Management and Cultural Policy
As part of this module, students are introduced to key ideas, issues and current debates in arts management and cultural policy. There is an emphasis on the interpretation and engagement with cultural policy from the perspective of a practitioner, and its relation to funding applications. The development of effective funding application skills and grant writing are also covered in this module.
MD6051 Independent Study 1
This module provides a space to engage in the study of a topic/subject of their own choice. Students organise their tuition and the assessment mechanism in consultation with their course director. A broad range of existing modules from the various postgraduate offers at the Academy is also available for students to chose from.
Semester 3
MD5522 Final Presentation
The final presentation involves the final performance/submission/combination of both, offered by the student as the culmination of his/her work during the course of the pro-gramme. The presentation is designed in consultation with your tutors. For students of the MA Community Music is a combination of workshop, viva voce, programme design and research paper.