Semester 1
MU5611 Traditional Irish Music Practicum 1
In this module students create, design and manage their own performance programme under the supervision of the Course Director. To this end students attend instrumental / voice classes with tutors in a variety of teaching contexts, adopted in accordance with the needs of the student and the optimum teaching environment for the tutor. These classes will be masterclass style. As part of this module there is also an emphasis on various ensemble performances, which are constructed in workshops led by the students and visiting tutors.
MD6021 Introduction to Fieldwork Techniques MD6021
In this module you will learn appropriate methods and techniques for research and documentation of performance practices in the field. Topics relating to fieldwork, ethical principles, participant observation, interview techniques, and fieldnote taking are covered. Key issues in epistemology and methodology for such research will be raised and discussed and will be informed by supporting literature.
MD6071 Writing & the Documentation of Arts Practice 1
This module explores the documentation of performance practices, with a focus on writing. It introduces forms of documentation emerging from personal memory data, self observation + reflection, and the collection of data from external sources. Registers of writing and the role of writing in the creative process are examined.
MD6091 Professional Development for the Performing Arts
This module engages with aspects of planning and management for professional artist, Students learn about the development of business plans, effective communication and pitching strategies, stakeholder development and core skills for the creative industries, such as financial management and planning.
MD6161 Irish Traditional Music Performance Research Seminar
In this module students will examine writings on and sources of Irish traditional music to enhance their understanding of this tradition. They will critically engage with texts relevant to Irish traditional music studies and related fields. The specific content of this module will engage approaches to the understanding of performance of traditional music as an aesthetic and valued act. It will focus on ways we perceive style and notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad in performance. It essentially will help the students critically engage their own performance practice and situate it in topologies and other aesthetic structures for traditional music.
Elective Modules (choice of two):
MD6051 Independent Study 1
This module provides a space to engage in the study of a topic/subject of their own choice. Students organise their tuition and the assessment mechanism in consultation with their course director. A broad range of existing modules from the various postgraduate offers at the Academy is also available for students to chose from.
MD6111 Colloqium 1
This module exposes students to scholarship and performance practices from a wide variety of music and dance and related disciplines, enabling students to broaden their perspectives on their own specialisation as well as experience presentations from scholars and performers in cognate disciplines. Students are expected to attend a minimum of five seminars from the various series offered in the Academy.
MD6031 Media Technologies for Performing Arts and Arts Research
This module provides an introduction into current media technologies as they are used in the fields of performing arts, creative arts therapies, and arts research; to develop essential skills and fluency in these technologies in order to use them competently, creatively, and effectively in one’s own specific discipline.
MD6061 Introduction to Somatics
This module will ensure that students are educated in somatic practices that promote a healthy and mindful approach to movement. The continued development of an integrated mind/body approach will enable students to perform with greater efficiency and will minimize their risk of injury.
MD6041Introduction to Ritual Studies
This module provides an introduction to ritual studies as an inter-disciplinary discourse drawing on anthropology, sociology, religious studies, ethnomusicology, ethnochoreology, festive arts and performance studies. It introduces a number of ritual case studies including historical and cross-cultural examples, with an emphasis on Irish ritual practices.
AW6001Academic Literacies for International PostGraduate Students 1
There are many challenges facing International students (culture shock, language shock and academic shock), and this module offers strategies for managing this experience and for providing a rich and engaging learning environment for such students. This module will raise students’ awareness of the academic support systems, cultures, and protocols within UL; provide students with information sourcing and management skills; and provide students with strategies for successful integration and learning in UL.
Semester 2
MU5612 Traditional Irish Music Practicum 2
In this module students create, design and manage their own performance programme under the supervision of the Course Director. To this end students attend instrumental / voice classes with tutors in a variety of teaching contexts, adopted in accordance with the needs of the student and the optimum teaching environment for the tutor. These classes will be masterclass style. As part of this module there is also an emphasis on various ensemble performances, which are constructed in workshops led by the students and visiting tutors.
MU6022 Irish Traditional Music Project
This module has two parts. In the first part, students will study the history, theory and practice of Irish traditional music. Additionally, students will study and develop skills in vocational areas associated with the performance of traditional music in a contemporary context.
MD6062 Critical Contexts for Arts Management and Cultural Policy
As part of this module, students are introduced to key ideas, issues and current debates in arts management and cultural policy. There is an emphasis on the interpretation and engagement with cultural policy from the perspective of a practitioner, and its relation to funding applications. The development of effective funding application skills and grant writing are also covered in this module.
Elective Modules (choice of two):
MD6052 Independent Study 2
This module provides a space to engage in the study of a topic/subject of their own choice. Students organise their tuition and the assessment mechanism in consultation with their course director. A broad range of existing modules from the various postgraduate offers at the Academy is also available for students to chose from.
MD6092 Introduction to Somatics 2
This module will ensure that students are educated in somatic practices that promote a healthy and mindful approach to movement. The continued development of an integrated mind/body approach will enable students to perform with greater efficiency and will minimize their risk of injury.
MD6072 Writing and the Documentation of Arts Practice 2
The aim of this module is to continue the work of ‘Writing and the Documentation of Practice ‘ in exploring the creative process in artistic and academic work with a view towards investigating resonance, dissonance and synchronicity between method in one’s own performance practice and in the the investigation of one’s own specialist research project.
MD6082 Choreography for Camera
Exploring the dynamic field of screendance and dance-film making, this module prepares students to work creatively towards the creation of short dance films. The module contextualizes dance-film within the context of contemporary dance and arts practices while investigating a range of aesthetic and technical approaches to creating a work.
MD6102 Colloquium 2
This module exposes students to scholarship and performance practices from a wide variety of music and dance and related disciplines, enabling students to broaden their perspectives on their own specialisation as well as experience presentations from scholars and performers in cognate disciplines. Students are expected to attend a minimum of five seminars from the various series offered in the Academy.
MD6162 Interdisciplinary Practice
Students will be introduced to interdisciplinary aesthetic and technical approaches to improvisation and composition. They will be provided with a platform to engage in research/enquiry that is interdisciplinary in nature with a view to integrating and applying this knowledge in their own practice. Students will attend a number of workshops/lectures in which faculty will explore and present aspects of the processes involved in interdisciplinary practice.
AW6012 Academic Literacies for International Postgraduate Students 2
International students often face linguistic challenges and this module offers strategies for managing this experience and for providing a rich and engaging learning environment for such students. This module will focus in particular on academic writing for International students.
Semester 3
MD5522 Final Presentation
The Final Performance for the MA Irish Traditional Music Performance is 40 minutes in duration and reflects the student’s main instrument of study. However, other instruments and performance practices are welcomed, as long at the balance is in favour of the programme of study. Examiners will assess the overall performance, considering issues of musicality, technique, creativity, originality, variety, preparedness, mood, among others.
Optional Second Year
Students have the option of taking a second year of the programme where they remain as a full time student at the Academy and only complete their final performance (MD5522) in the summer of their second year.