MA Irish Traditional Music Performance

The MA Irish Traditional Music Performance is a one-year, full-time postgraduate programme designed to provide advanced tuition in the performance of Irish Traditional Music. Instrumental and vocal tuition is enabled by a community of world-renowned traditional performers and tutors.

Critical examination of repertoire sources and styles of performance, as well as an examination of modern vocational non-performance skills such as music business and music technology, form an essential part of the programme content. Elective modules allow the student to access the many areas of academic and performance expertise available at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance.

Students of the programme have the opportunity to work with some of the finest and most well known performers in traditional Irish music and related traditions. Weekly classes are provided by our permanent team of highly renowned instrumental tutors. A particular feature of the programme is the number of visiting tutors where students have unparalleled and extensive access to leading international performers.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To develop music skills and other associated skills appropriate to the modern performance of Irish traditional music.
  • To provide a learning environment for advanced performance in Irish traditional music to the highest standard.
  • To honour the artistic integrity, history, and identity of the performance practice within an academic and performance orientated context
  • To facilitate interactivity with other performance practices.
  • To assist each individual performer in ‘finding his or her voice’ through traditional music performance to facilitate the cross-fertilisation of both the academic and performance pursuits of postgraduate performing music, dance and academic programmes.
  • To equip the student with the necessary vocational skills for modern performance contexts.

Students have contact with some of the finest and most well known performers in traditional Irish music and related traditions. Weekly classes are provided by our permanent team of instrumental tutors.  However, a particular core feature of the programme is the number of visiting tutors to the programme where students have unparalleled, extensive access to the leading performers internationally.  Students also have an important say in the choice of tutors who visit in the academic year.

Some of our visiting tutors have included Martin Hayes, Tommy Peoples, Frankie Gavin, Kevin Crawford, Matt Molloy, Jean Michelle Veillion, Brian Finnegan, Donal Lunny, Steve Cooney, Mary Bergin, Enda Scahill, Mikey Smith, Ryan Molloy, Matt Cranich, Noel Hill, Charlie Harris, Micheal O Raghallaigh, Dermot Byrne, Karen Tweed, Laoise Kelly, Joe Burke, Kieran Hanrahan, Liam O’Connor, Any Irvine, Roisin White, Niall Vallely, Catherine McEvoy, Nan Tom Teaimín De Búrca, Tony MacMahon, Dave Milligan, Marcus Moloney, Alec Finn and many, many more.

Regular tutors include Siobhan Peoples, Eileen O’Brien-Minogue, Derek Hickey, John Carty, Jim Higgins, Niall Keegan, Kieran Munnelly, Majella Bartley, Tommy Fitzharris, Alan Colfer, Tadhg Ó Meachair, Conal O’Kane, Karan Casey, Conor Crimmins, Emily Flack and Alan Reid among others.

Programme of Study

Semester 1

MU5611 Traditional Irish Music Practicum 1

MD6021 Introduction to Fieldwork Techniques MD6021

MD6071 Writing & the Documentation of Arts Practice 1

MD6091 Professional Development for the Performing Arts

MD6161 Irish Traditional Music Performance Research Seminar

Elective Modules (choice of two):

MD6051 Independent Study 1

MD6111 Colloqium 1

MD6031 Media Technologies for Performing Arts and Arts Research

MD6061 Introduction to Somatics

MD6041Introduction to Ritual Studies

AW6001Academic Literacies for International PostGraduate Students 1

Semester 2

MU5612 Traditional Irish Music Practicum 2


MU6022 Irish Traditional Music Project

MD6062 Critical Contexts for Arts Management and Cultural Policy

Elective Modules (choice of two):

MD6052 Independent Study 2

MD6092 Introduction to Somatics 2

MD6072 Writing and the Documentation of Arts Practice 2

MD6082 Choreography for Camera

MD6102 Colloquium 2

MD6162 Interdisciplinary Practice

AW6012 Academic Literacies for International Postgraduate Students 2

Semester 3

MD5522 Final Presentation

Optional Second Year

Students have the option of taking a second year of the programme where they remain as a full time student at the Academy and only complete their final performance (MD5522) in the summer of their second year.


Entrance Requirements:

A primary degree with first or second class honours


an approved equivalent qualification


an equivalent capability based on prior professional experience.


Postgraduate Admissions Office
Graduate School
Foundation Building
University of Limerick

Tel: +353 61 234377
Fax: +353 61 233287


Click here for UL Academic Calendar


Click here for UL International  Office 


Click here for Postgraduate Fees


Click here for a list of scholarships available to prospective Irish World Academy of Music and Dance students.





“The year I spent in the Traditional Music Performance M.A. was undoubtably one of the most formative in my life. As an international student, the opportunity to fully immerse myself in the tradition, both through performance and critical engagement, allowed me to make connections and gain the skills I needed to become confident as a practitioner of the tradition. From building repertoire to networking with top performers, tradition bearers, and researchers, to performing with my amazing classmates and visiting archives, conferences, and sessions, the MA was a non-stop year of adventure that made me a better singers and a better human being. Whether you’re a long-time participant in the tradition who wants to deepen your practice and knowledge, or a newcomer looking to get your foot in the door, this is the place to be. The program offers unparalleled opportunities for practice, performance, networking, and research. The tutors are world class, and Limerick’s central location gives you access to sessions and festivals around Ireland. If you are looking for a way to move your traditional practice to the next level, this is the course for you.”

Kara O’Brien, Graduate.

“My time doing the MA in Irish Music Performance in the Irish World Academy was one of the most worthwhile experiences in my musical life to date. This course helped me to grow and evolve as a musician both professionally and personally by giving me access to so many different learning experiences and performance opportunities. From the variety of lectures, ensemble groups, one to one classes and independent studies to the array of masterclasses with some of the best tutors in the country, this course covered such a wide range of material in the space of two semesters. Each semester finished with a performance opportunity which gave me a chance to work with other musicians and work on repertoire lists, as well as try out different venues and sound. The resources and equipment on offer to students is second-to-none, with full use of recording studios, microphones, pedals, computers and upright and grand pianos. The MA in Irish Music Performance was the perfect place to launch myself into the world as a professional musician. It was an incredible experience for me.”

Rebecca McCarthy-Kent, Graduate.


Applicants wishing to discuss detailed elements of the programme may contact the course director:

Dr. Conor Caldwell
Room No: IW2.023
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance
University of Limerick

E-mail :

For further details, information and brochures about the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance:

Irish World Academy of Music and Dance,
University of Limerick,
Phone: + 353 61 202590

For queries to the University of Limerick Postgraduate Admissions Office:

Postgraduate Admissions Office
Graduate School
Foundation Building
University of Limerick

Tel: +353 61 234377
Fax: +353 61 233287

For queries to the University of Limerick Postgraduate Admissions Office:

Postgraduate Admissions Office
Graduate School
Foundation Building
University of Limerick

Tel: +353 61 234377
Fax: +353 61 233287