Session 1
10.20am Suzanne Chadwick
Title: The timing of voice change in adolescent boys: current trends and consequences for Irish primary schools. Supervisors: Dr Hannah Fahey and Prof Helen Phelan.
10.40am Liz Roche
Title: Positions and Perspectives: Developing an integrated choreographer-dancer artistic practice. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier
11am Janine Mangnin
Title: Female Adolescent Vocal Agency: How do female adolescent singers feel about their experiences within their one-to-one private singing lessons? Supervisors: Dr Hannah Fahey and Dr Sandra Joyce
11.20am Kelly Boyle
Title: Developing Creative Practice in the Teaching and Performance of Javanese Gamelan Music. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier
Session 2
12.20pm John Nutekpor
Title: An Arts Practice Exploration of Ghanaian-Irish Cultural Dialogue, through Music and Dance Pedagogy, Curation and Performance. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier
12.40pm Phoebe Brown
Title: The Potential for Perceptible Process: An Exploration of the Interconnections between Differential Equations (Des) and Contemporary Dance Choreography. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Dr Grant McLay
1pm Ewa Zak-Dyndal
Title: An arts practice investigation of Polish ritual song traditions in contemporary Poland and the Irish Polish diaspora through the practice of a Polish ritual singer. Supervisor: Prof Helen Phelan
1.20pm Steve Ryan
Title: Articulating the Fluid Identity of the Songwriting Community Musician in the Field: An Auto-Ethnographic Interrogation of Creative Self-Expression and Self-Preservation. Supervisors: Dr Kathleen Turner and Dr Aileen Dillane
Session 3
2.20pm Miriam Phillips
Title: Opening Up the Dance: Widening the Scope of Contemporary Dance Choreography through an Ethnochoreological Perspective. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Dr Colin Quigley
2.40pm Roxy Regine Theobald
Title: Floetic Inner Lines: A Cultural Inquiry of a Diaspora Trajectory through Dance Performance. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Prof Mel Mercier
3pm Niamh O’Brien
Title: What Lies Beneath the Tide: Sonic Deep Mapping and The Shannon Estuary. Supervisors: Dr Aileen Dillane and Prof Mel Mercier
3.20pm JJ Riordan
Title: Orchestrating the Sonic Banal: Utilising Computer Based Digital Audio Workstations (D.A.W.s) to Manipulate the Sounds of Everyday Objects, Places and Spaces to Compose Musical Works. Supervisor: Dr Eoin Callery and Prof Mel Mercier