Samhain Presentations of Research
Tuesday 1st November 2022

To join –

Session 1

10.20am  Suzanne Chadwick

Title: The timing of voice change in adolescent boys: current trends and consequences for Irish primary schools. Supervisors: Dr Hannah Fahey and Prof Helen Phelan.

10.40am Liz Roche

Title: Positions and Perspectives: Developing an integrated choreographer-dancer artistic practice. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier

11am Janine Mangnin

Title: Female Adolescent Vocal Agency: How do female adolescent singers feel about their experiences within their one-to-one private singing lessons? Supervisors: Dr Hannah Fahey and Dr Sandra Joyce

11.20am Kelly Boyle

Title: Developing Creative Practice in the Teaching and Performance of Javanese Gamelan Music. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier

Session 2

12.20pm John Nutekpor

Title: An Arts Practice Exploration of Ghanaian-Irish Cultural Dialogue,  through Music and Dance Pedagogy, Curation and Performance. Supervisors: Prof Helen Phelan and Prof Mel Mercier

12.40pm Phoebe Brown

Title: The Potential for Perceptible Process: An Exploration of the Interconnections between Differential Equations (Des) and Contemporary Dance Choreography. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Dr Grant McLay

1pm Ewa Zak-Dyndal

Title: An arts practice investigation of Polish ritual song traditions in contemporary Poland and the Irish Polish diaspora through the practice of a Polish ritual singer. Supervisor: Prof Helen Phelan

1.20pm Steve Ryan

Title: Articulating the Fluid Identity of the Songwriting Community Musician in the Field: An Auto-Ethnographic Interrogation of Creative Self-Expression and Self-Preservation. Supervisors: Dr Kathleen Turner and Dr Aileen Dillane

Session 3

2.20pm Miriam Phillips

Title: Opening Up the Dance: Widening the Scope of Contemporary Dance Choreography through an Ethnochoreological Perspective. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Dr Colin Quigley

2.40pm Roxy Regine Theobald

Title: Floetic Inner Lines: A Cultural Inquiry of a Diaspora Trajectory through Dance Performance. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Prof Mel Mercier

3pm Niamh O’Brien

Title: What Lies Beneath the Tide: Sonic Deep Mapping and The Shannon Estuary. Supervisors: Dr Aileen Dillane and Prof Mel Mercier

3.20pm JJ Riordan

Title: Orchestrating the Sonic Banal: Utilising Computer Based Digital Audio Workstations (D.A.W.s) to Manipulate the Sounds of Everyday Objects, Places and Spaces to Compose Musical Works. Supervisor: Dr Eoin Callery and Prof Mel Mercier

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

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Session 4

9am Pui Sze Cheung

Title: Music and Perinatal Wellbeing: An investigation on the role of music and music therapy in supporting health and wellbeing during the perinatal period. Supervisors: Dr Tríona McCaffrey and Dr Sylvia Murphy Tighe

9.20am Lisa Kelly

Title: Music therapy in Rural and Remote Settings: The Development and Evaluation of Telehealth Music Therapy Services for People Living with Dementia and their Family Carer(s). Supervisors: Prof Hilary Moss and Prof Ita Richardson

9.40am Katie Fitzpatrick

Title: A mixed methods exploration of the use of individual and group music therapy for adults with chronic pain.  Supervisors: Prof Hilary Moss and Prof Dominic Harmon

10am Hains Tooming

Title: An Arts Practice investigation into the impact of the Dalcroze method on the wellbeing of classical musicians. Supervisors: Dr Diane Daly and Prof Hilary Moss

Session 5

11am Kara Matthias

Title: Connecting Irish Song, Identity and Place: A study in East Clare. Supervisor: Dr Sandra Joyce

11.20am Siobhan Manson

Title: Dancing the Feminist: A Study of Women in Irish Step Dance since 1901. Supervisors: Dr Orfhlaith Ní Bhriain and Dr Breandán De Gallaí

Session 6

2.20pm Nahelli Chavoya Pena

Title: Imagination as a locus for self-expression in Irish Dance. Supervisors: Dr Orfhlaith NíBhriain and Dr Oscar Mascarenas

2.40pm Charlotte O’Donoghue

Title: An Ethnographic Study Mapping Youth Orchestra Participation in Ireland: Education, Community, and Wellbeing. Supervisors: Dr Kathleen Turner and Dr Orfhlaith Ni Bhriain

3pm Morgan Senter

Title: Irish Set Dancing for Parkinson’s Disease: Ethnochoreological Perspectives on Community-Based Programme Implementation and Sustainability. Supervisors: Dr Orfhlaith NíBhriain and Prof Amanda Clifford

3.20pm Anthony Cahill

Title: Caoineadh nó Ceiliúradh? Examining the Values of Song-Based Slow Airs Held by Irish Traditional Musicians. Supervisor: Dr Sandra Joyce

Thursday 3rd November 2022

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Session 7

12pm Chelsey Zimmerman

Title: An Exploration of the Social, Technological, and Artistic Context of Irish Music in Early 20th Century New York City. Supervisor: Dr Niall Keegan

12.20pm Bianca Figl

Title: Translating Heritage through Movement Practice. Supervisors: Dr Jenny Roche and Prof Mel Mercier

12.40pm Marianna Panouriga

Title: An ethnochoreological investigation of contemporary dance transmission within Higher Dance Education in Greece, cultural traits and oral traditions.  Supervisor: Dr Jenny Roche

1pm Diviane DeOliviera

Title: Sensorygraphy: A transdisciplinary exploration and dissemination of an artistic approach integrating dance, language, and sensory experiences. Supervisor: Dr Jenny Roche

Session 8

2.20pm Carrie Erving

Title: Artistic Alchemy: Finding a Voice of One’s Own. Supervisor: Dr Sandra Joyce

2.40pm Claire Watts

Title: So How does it Feel to Sing Home? An Arts Practice Exploration into Place, Space and Identity within Irish Songwriting Practice’. Supervisors: Dr Sandra Joyce and Mr Carl Corcoran