Certificate in Music and Dance

The Certificate in Music and Dance is a level 6, progression and access based programme from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick. For this coming Academic Year, this is offered as a full-time, one-year course. There are plans to offer this programme as a part-time two year programme and utilising blended and distance learning.  The Certificate differs significantly from other music and dance programs on offer and is a route into the second year of all of the BA degrees here at the Irish World Academy in VoiceContemporary DanceIrish DanceWorld Music, and Irish Music.

  • To provide access for performers to third level education who may struggle, for a variety of reasons, to engage mainstream access routes.
  • To encourage the individual to enhance both musical/ dance knowledge and performance.
  • Students will cover 10 modules in a 1 year, full-time programme of  lectures, seminars, workshops, and master classes.
  • Learners will develop skills in music and dance – any genre is welcome.

This qualification not only enhances performance skills, but also opens doors to further study.

  • Pathway into certain degree programmes – in the first instance, successful completion of the course to the required standard will enable students to be considered for a place in second year of the full-time undergraduate programmes at the Irish World Academy, University of Limerick.
  • Criteria for progression will be based on the number of places available as well as relevance of performance and academic achievement on the Certificate.
  • The Certificate will provide training in music literacy, group playing and arrangement, song and dance, enabling the students to work in a variety of educational contexts, both solo and group.
  • Dancers will experience ensemble, choreography work and movement awareness.
  • This programme will develop academic, literacy and presentation skills, important for a wide range of careers.
  • The Certificate will develop students’ current performance abilities and encourage the development of new performance skills including keyboard and composition, leading to the possibility of careers as performers.
  • Opportunities in Arts administration and media are a potential career path for students
Programme of Study
Semester 1

Performance 1A (MD4101)

Irish World Academy Practicum C1 (MD4091)

MU4001 Critical Encounters with Music and Dance (Irish Music and Dance)

Critical Encounters with Music and Dance (World Music and Dance)

Reflective Practice portfolio (MD2001 )

Semester 2

Performance 2A (MD4102)

Irish World Academy Practicum C2 (MD4111)

Critical Encounters with Western Art Music and Dance (MU4012)

Critical Encounters with Popular Music and Dance (MU4002)

Traveller Music Studies (MD4044).


Entrance Requirements


An interview/audition is arranged for each applicant. This must be passed in order to gain entry onto the course.

Access and Eligibility

Those applying to study on the Certificate in Music and Dance must do so directly to the University, not through the CAO. Contact admissions (admissions@ul.ie).

Music and / or dance experience in at least one area is required.

Successful applicants will have successfully conducted an interview, audition and a written assignment.

The written assignment will consist of a 800 to 1200 word essay accounting for the applicants artistic practice to date, their motivations for applying to undertake the Certificate and their expectations of the programme.

In the audition the students may be given an aural test where they will be asked to write about a recorded piece of music or dance shown to them.


To apply to the course please do so on this page:  Applying to UL | University of Limerick

To contact Academic Registry please do so via Contact Us | University of Limerick (ul.ie)

More information: Certificate in Music and Dance

Enquiries in relation to the course can be made to:

Dr Róisín Ní Ghallóglaigh
Course Director,
Room No: IW1.16,
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance,
University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland.

Tel: +353-61-202575
e-mail: roisin.nighalloglaigh@ul.ie


Academic Calendar | UL – University of Limerick




Click here for a list of scholarships available to prospective Irish World Academy of Music and Dance students.





Enquiries in relation to the course can be made to:

Dr Róisín Ní Ghallóglaigh
Course Director,
Room No: IW1.16,
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance,
University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland.
Tel: +353-61-202465
e-mail: Roisin.nighalloglaigh@ul.ie